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North County Cat Hospital

Patient Information

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Patient Information

The form on this page is to give us information about your cat.​

If you have not previously filled out our "Client Information Sheet" (on paper) or our online "Client Information" Form, please do so: please click here.

These give us information about you.

This Form

This form is designed to give us a lot of potentially useful information about your cat. The only things we really need to know are in bolded blue boxes. We also need the CAPTCHA at the end (the "I'm not a robot" thing).

Please fill out one form for each cat.

About the Term "Owner"

There is legitimate controversy about the correct term to use for the person responsible for the pet. The organization IDA is adamant that the word "guardian" should be used. The organizations AVMA and AKC support the word "owner". The ASPCA seems to use both terms randomly. PETA seems to use "owner" when they talk about negative stories and "guardian" with positive stories. Some people prefer caretaker; others feel that humans have cats and cats have humans.


We use the word "owner" on our forms when describing you, the person, because that is the term that everyone understands.

If you prefer a term other than "owner", please make a selection.


What is / are the name(s) on the Client Information Form.

In case we can't figure out who you are, how can we contact you?

Your Cat:

Please enter birth-date or age if known.


Spayed or Neutered?

How long is his / her hair?

Does he / she spend any time outdoors?

How often does he/she have potential contact with outdoor / unknown cats?

Are there other cats in the household?

Medical History:

Dates of Most Recent Vaccinations:

Other Vaccinations Type and Date:

Dates and Results of Most Recent FeLV/FIV Test:

FVRCP Vaccination Date:

Rabies Vaccination Date:

FeLV Vaccination Date:

Final Things:

Is there anything else that you would like us to know?

We will gladly prepare a written estimate if you desire. Please ask the receptionist or doctor.

All fees are due at the time services are rendered.

Patient Info
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